Creekside Abundance Center

Are You Ready?

Humans have a universal need to be seen. If we don’t know who we are, how can anyone really know us?

Monica’s extraordinary blend of sensory gifts allow her to be a clear channel for Source. A healing session with Monica opens doors and pathways you have wondered about but didn’t know how to access.

If your journey has led you to this site, perhaps it’s time to take a leap of faith and allow Monica to walk by your side and share with you everything she is hearing, feeling and intuiting from across the veil.

Are you ready to create your best life?

Energy Healing

Monica is able to tune into your energy, speak with your spirit guides and assist you in releasing any trapped emotions causing pain or “dis-ease” in your body. She believes we all have the ability to heal ourselves and can easily remind you how to do this.

Akashic Records Sessions

Throughout time, inquisitive minds have asked three questions. “Who am I? Why am I here? What is my life purpose?”

All of these questions can be answered by journeying into your Akashic Records, your soul’s library, if you are willing to do the inner work.


Finding Answers

If you find yourself asking, “Why am I here?” or “Where am I going?” the Creekside Abundance Center affords you the serenity to find your answers in the solitude of nature.

Sound Therapy

Intuitive Readings

Energy healing

Akashic Records readings

Guided meditations


Nestled in a remote Utah canyon, surrounded by Quaking Aspen and towering Spruce trees, a gentle creek meanders through our 40-acre retreat. We’ve built a tiny-house cabin and an 18 foot Lakota-style Tipi along the creek. We have delicious spring water and bathroom facilities available. These amenities frame the backdrop for the Spiritual Energy Retreats Monica J. Spehler and her husband, John, offer on their peaceful tract of land.

Make an Appointment

You can pre-book with Monica so that she can help coordinate the most optimal time and experience for you. Your journey starts here.


8 + 7 =

Monica Spehler

No one is more surprised at where my journey has taken me than myself. I absolutely never saw any of this coming!

The catalyst was when my then 19-year-old son enlisted in the Army. We all tried our best to talk him out of it, but to no avail. When we dropped him off downtown to catch a plane for boot camp, I knew that the only thing I could do for my son while he was away was pray.

I hadn’t prayed in more years than I care to admit, but I began a practice of praying for my son every day. If he was injured or in pain, I would send him healing love energy as his Mother. On one occasion while I was sending energy to him, I closed my eyes and imagined that I was laying my hands on his knees. I gathered up all the love I carried in my heart for my son and I sent it to him. Words can’t describe the shift I felt in myself! It felt like I was there in my son’s room with him and there was an actual exchange of energy between us. I lost all track of time and when I “came back,” I was sobbing uncontrollably.

Something had obviously happened. In my mind, I had really been with my son in Iraq. I couldn’t wrap my head around any of this so the next day I started researching energy and healing on the Internet. I came upon Reiki, and this launched me into a whole new world of studying and exploring energy healing.

That was twelve years ago. My intuitive gifts have evolved exponentially over the years. As a multi-sensory empath, I use my sacred gifts to empower others to see themselves as God sees them and to work toward becoming their true, powerful selves.

I encourage everyone to find their unique gifts and create their best life!


Love and Blessings,



Sandy R.

“I attended a 4 night retreat over the summer solstice. Monica and John are the most amazing hosts and the food is amazing. The experience was over the top and I have made life long friends! Do not hesitate to experience the magic of this beautiful place. Monica is an excellent facilitator and very loving!”

Rhiannon A.

“I recently attended a retreat at the Creekside Abundance Center. It was a magical experience. Monica and John are very accommodating and saw to it that everyone’s needs were met. The food was fantastic (thanks for the vegetarian choices) and the land is beyond beautiful. There are many areas to visit and spend time and the Tipi is fantastic. Spending time in the medicine wheel healed my soul. I can’t wait to visit again! Thank you John and Monica for being such gracious hosts and facilitators.”

Nancy T.

“This Retreat was incredible! John and Monica are a wonderful team taking care of all our needs. The food was great, the land so beautiful and welcoming. The medicine wheel so sacred and the activities truly touched my soul! I loved my time in the tipi listening to the creek and feeling the love of ancestors around me. Eleven souls connected in total love and I will never forget this experience ! Thank you to all that attended!”

Jeanna K.

“This was by far the most amazing retreat I have ever been part of!! Monica and John are the most wonderful hosts!! They catered to everyone’s needs and went above and beyond my expectations! The food was amazing! The land is magical with the mountains, woods, meadow, and creek running through it. The tipi and medicine wheel are truly magical!! You can feel the ancestors there with you. Monica is extremely gifted and helped everyone there heal present and past life issues!! We all bonded and will remain lifelong friends!! I can’t say enough good things about the whole experience!! I connected with a part of myself that I thought was lost! Can’t wait to go again next year!!!!”

Keith K.

“Wow, what an amazing time I had. The transformations witnessed were magical. The love in our circle combined with the time spent in nature was a recipe for complete peace and bliss. You can feel the ancestors on this beautiful place. The energy heart felt and inviting. The individual care and attention to my needs met and over exceeded my expectations. Top it off by sitting at the campfire looking up at the endless stars remembrance of where we belong. Monica’s intuitive readings opened eyes and helped me understand myself better. Her connection to spirit strong and gifts a blessing to help heal the soul. Can’t say enough good things. The love shared real.”

Jennifer G.

Monica is a blessing sent from the Creatrix. I came to my first appointment with burns that were erupting all over my body, had just returned from a hospitalization due to liver failure, and I was being attacked regularly by evil spirits. I thought I just wanted to give up and die. She nursed me back to mental health with her sheer determination, fearlessness in the face of evil and her accurate clarity with her gifts as a reader of the Akashic Records.

I am no simple soul! I am a warrior queen and quite often I scare healers away because of the BIG energies that surround me – good and yucky ones – we took a chance and from September 2016 to December 2016 went on a journey to retrieve my soul fragments. The work we have done together has returned me to a state of dignity, freed me from trauma, ended self-destructive behaviors, cleaned up my energy field, and strengthened my power centers again. Masterfully, Monica has led me to return to a natural state of health.

Hollee K.

With the events that happened in my life, I trust completely that I was guided to meet Monica. Her gifts have changed the direction of my life and brought clearer understanding of my purpose and the enfoldment of my soul. I now recognize what is needed to become who I was born to be and what gifts I need to activate. She is a treasure to all who meet her. Thank you, Monica!

Nancy B.

Monica and I have been on a healing journey together for several years. She uses her clear connection with spirit and her extensive study of alternative healing to help others. I was very ill with ulcerative colitis when I met her and the doctors had given up on me. Monica helped me to see that much of my disease came from past life experiences which we were able to explore together. She was then able to give me practical advice about how to heal the past and heal myself. Today I am in remission and I expect to never manifest this disease again. Monica’s help to heal myself is the reason I am here today.

Danielle W.

“A session with Monica is like putting on a pair of prescription glasses after years of being near-sighted. There is nothing but love, light, and a safe place to feel whatever you feel and allow healing. A refreshing new perspective is felt after each session!”

Annette B.

“Over the past three decades, many gifted spiritual leaders and healers have come into my life.  Monica Spehler is extraordinary among them.

I have personally experienced her healing abilities when she quickly mended a reluctant ankle break, much sooner than would have been possible through just medical intervention.  I’ve also witnessed amazing physical/emotional healing of a deeply afflicted friend.

If your life is calling for help, or a guide, I recommend that you spend some time with Monica.

Robert D.

“Best life coach on the planet!   My life has changed dramatically for the better the last 6-months and I have Monica to thank for it. She is an exceptional Life Coach with spiritual gifts and insights second to none.

You get amazing insight into your life, crystal clear specific details, solutions and always leave very happy that you went.  I can’t recomend her highly enough for anyone!


Lighthouse Meditation

This 12-minute guided meditation ultimately leads you to a personal blessing of Divine Light from Jesus.

Narrated by Monica, Energy Healer and Empowerment Coach

Our Creekside Tipi

Energy Healing

Monica can tune into your vibration and tell you if you’re out of balance. If an imbalance exists and is left uncorrected, it ultimately will manifest as pain or illness. Not only can Monica share with you where the imbalances lie, but can also tell you what emotions are trapped in that part of your body and assist you in healing. This information and guidance is incredibly helpful for anyone wishing to acquire an optimum degree of wellness.

Akashic Records Sessions

Who am I? Why am I here? What is my life purpose?

Let me tell you a story. Many years ago, I had a most unusual dream.

A man in a wheelchair is brought to me. His face and limbs contorted and ravaged from pain and disease. He looks up at me from his wheelchair with pleading eyes that search mine. He is desperate for help and any relief I can provide. As I glance down at the man, I announce, “I’ll have to go into your Akashic Records to find out what has happened to you.”

As I awakened from my dream, I kept saying over and over again “Akashic Records, Akashic Records.” What in the world is that?

And so my calling as an Akashic Records librarian began.

Journeying into the Akashic Records is similar to the acute vision we receive when putting on a pair of glasses for the first time. We have no idea what we’re missing until it’s right there in front of us. Once our truth and magnitude are fully revealed, we never look at ourselves in the mirror the same way again.